Previous Courses
Please click on a training course below, to view the feedback received.
Course Title: Questioning and Assessment
Presenter: Ron Riper
Who For: SCITT Trainee Teachers
Date: Friday 17th November 2023
Location: Ferndale Primary School, Swindon
Course Title: Can Do Maths - ITT
Presenter: Liz Hopkins
Who For: SCITT Trainee Teachers
Date: Thursday 2nd November 2023
Location: Ferndale Primary School, Swindon
Course Title: Can Do Maths - ITT
Presenter: Oliver Welsby
Date: Thursday 30th November 2023
Location: Bassett Down Golf Complex, Swindon
Course Title: Questioning and Assessment
Presenter: Ron Riper
Who For: Trainee Teachers
Date: Friday 18th November 2022
Location: Ferndale Primary School, Swindon
Course Title: Planning and Delivering High-Quality PE
Presenter: PE Department
Who For: Trainee Teachers
Date: Friday 3rd March 2023
Location: Highworth Warneford Secondary School
Course Title: Can Do Maths - ITT
Presenters: Liz Hopkins
Who For: Trainee Teachers
Date: Thursday 3rd November 2022
Location: Ferndale Primary School, Swindon
Course Title: Questioning and Assessment
Presenter: Ron Riper
Who For: Trainee Teachers
Date: Friday 19th November 2021
Location: Ferndale Primary School, Swindon
Course Title: Questioning and Assessment
Presenter: Ron Riper
Who For: Trainee Teachers and NQTs
Date: Friday 22nd January 2021
Location: William Morris Primary School, Swindon
Course Title: Delivery of StoryTime Phonics
Presenter: Michelle Larbey
Date: Wednesday 18th September 2019
Location: William Morris Primary School, Swindon
Course Title: ITT Mentor Training
Presenter: Ron Riper
Who For: Mentors
Date: Monday 20th September 2021
Location: Ferndale Primary School, Swindon
Course Title: Can Do Maths - ITT/ECTs
Presenters: Liz Hopkins
Who For: Trainee Teachers and ECTs
Date: Thursday 14th October 2021
Location: Ferndale Primary School, Swindon
Course Title: ITT Mentor Training
Presenter: Ron Riper
Who For: ITT Mentors/Class Teachers
Date: Wednesday 9th September 2020
Location: Ferndale Primary School, Swindon
Course Title: Level 3 Safeguarding Training
Presenter: Candace Collier, Clark Ward Ass.
Date: Thursday 26th September 2019
Location: Ferndale Primary School, Swindon
Course Title: Creating 'Standing Out' Early Years and KS1
Presenter: Anita Curtis
Date: Wednesday 11th September 2019
Location: William Morris Primary School, Swindon
Course Title: A Mastery Approach to Phonics
Presenter: Michelle Larbey
Date: Tuesday 18th June 2019
Location: Ferndale Primary School, Swindon